Filed Under: Food Scares

Too stupid for our own good

The busy bodies at the Center for Science in the Public Interest got a big boost in their campaign to limit America’s food choices yesterday. In their profile of CSPI, the Boston Globe perpetuated the nanny myth that consumers are too stupid to make their own choices. “For many Americans,” the Globe wrote, “the problem isn’t just that they are consuming too much fat, it is that they don’t know what they are eating.” To keep the public from making the “wrong” choices, “CSPI would like a national tax on soda and perhaps junk food, with the proceeds going toward nutrition and health program.”

CSPI also reinforced the notion that we are too stupid to choose the “right” foods without government intervention, demanding “a new, more-readable Ingredient Facts label to enable people to know what’s in their food.”

For more about what CSPI thinks of the general public and their efforts to limit our choices, visit our website

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