Filed Under: Trial Lawyers

Give Thanks, Not Lawsuits

In honor of Thanksgiving, a day of food and family, the Center for Consumer Freedom is offering our Thanksgiving Guest Liability and Indemnification Agreement. With trial lawyers like Richard Daynard and John Banzhaf on the prowl, no Thanksgiving host can be too careful when it comes to legal protection. Don’t let the threat of lawsuits carve the enjoyment out of your Thanksgiving dinner — talk turkey with your guests tomorrow and have them sign our waiver!

More on “Trial Lawyers”

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Congress is Sniffing Out the Activists in the Hen House

Posted November 3, 2017 at5:11 pm
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From “Watchdog” to Puppy for Its Liberal Housemates

Posted April 15, 2016 at11:36 am

Trial Lawyers Hope Sweetener Litigation Will Give Their Pocketbooks a Rush

Posted June 24, 2013 at12:12 pm