Filed Under: Dairy Food Police Meat Snacks

Food Day: The One Holiday without a Feast

130415_CCF_ChickenWings_picFor the third year in a row (after a thirty-year hiatus) the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is holding its “celebration” of Food Day. Joined by animal liberationist vegans like Compassion Over Killing, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (which is 90 percent non-physicians), and the Humane Society of the United States (which is not affiliated with your local pet shelter); organic food industry groups like the Organic Trade Association; and meddlesome celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, CSPI designated today for advocacy to take away foods you can afford and do like with ones you can’t and don’t.

CSPI even “helpfully” provides a fourteen-question dietary evaluation, but it serves CSPI’s anti-pleasure agenda rather than as useful advice. The tool gives points for eating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables—all well and good in themselves if you don’t eat too much. But rather than encouraging balance of calories, the tool essentially demands elimination of meats and poultry, in part relying on discredited environmental analyses. It’s the tiresome food police line: Follow our dietary laws, or you will die.

For all the talk by various food police groups like CSPI that we’re eating ourselves to death, our life expectancies continue to rise. And despite the tut-tutting of environmentalists and animal liberationists, animal agricultural productivity per animal continues to rise, reducing the environmental impact per cheeseburger.

We aren’t expecting CSPI or the people who think that farmers are Nazis (a comparison courtesy of HSUS’s food policy director) to accept progress. They can wallow in their ideologically driven activism, but we can celebrate that yes, things are getting better. Now that would be a cause worth savoring.

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