Snacks (page5)

Salt Police Go Global

In commentary published online today by the British Medical Journal, public health activists call for a global campaign to reduce salt consumption. With their eyes on an upcoming United Nations meeting…
Posted August 12, 2011 at12:00 am

Bittman’s Regulatory Proposal Bites Off More Than He Can Chew

New York Times food columnist Mark Bittman fancies himself a journalist but his elitist biases in promoting regulations on the foods Americans eat would earn him an F…
Posted August 11, 2011 at12:00 am

The Best of the Web Videos

One of the coolest benefits of YouTube is that anyone with a video camera — or even a video function on a cellphone — can become a filmmaker or…
Posted August 8, 2011 at12:00 am

Food Scolding? There’s an App for That

Calorific, a new weight-management app developed by WorkSmart Labs, is not the first smartphone program for dieters. But it does score points for using sketchy science that’s unlikely…
Posted August 4, 2011 at12:00 am

Yale Food Cop: You’re Incapable of Eating Right

At the Colorado Health Symposium last week, Kelly Brownell, godfather of the much-reviled “Twinkie tax,” surprised exactly no one by advocating a national excise tax on soda. As…
Posted August 1, 2011 at12:00 am

MeMe Roth Talks Twinkie Taxes

Television pundit Bill O’Reilly hosted public-health-legend-in-her-own-mind MeMe Roth on The O’Reilly Factor last night to discuss what so-called “Twinkie taxes” can do to reverse the obesity problem…
Posted July 27, 2011 at12:00 am

The Tax Man Cometh…For Your Fridge?

“Freedom fries” might be making a comeback—and this time, it’s not because of the French. Writing in The New York Times this weekend, foodie pundit Mark Bittman declares…
Posted July 25, 2011 at12:00 am

First Lady Makes Much Ado About Produce

First Lady Michelle Obama made a splashy announcement yesterday with Wal-Mart and other supermarket executives regarding a planned expansion of fresh produce and healthy food offerings in 1,500…
Posted July 21, 2011 at12:00 am

The Willy Wonka Weight-Loss Revolution

How sweet it is: A new study published in the journal Food & Nutrition Research demonstrates that kids who eat candy tend to weigh less than kids…
Posted June 30, 2011 at12:00 am

Dr. Oz’s Fat-Headed Food Fear Mongering

Sometimes we’re not sure whether Dr. Mehmet Oz’s TV show is a trip to sugary make-believe or animal-rights fantasyland, but yesterday’s segment about childhood obesity was a…
Posted May 25, 2011 at12:00 am