Filed Under: Snacks

Demands For New Fat Taxes Grow Louder

Seizing upon recent headlines declaring an obesity “epidemic,” the Worldwatch Institute issued a plan on how to modify American eating patterns. The plan is, in their own words “modeled on the successful campaign to discourage smoking.” The report joins Kelly Brownell of Yale University and others in calling for new taxes on fast foods, warning labels for “high fat” and “high sodium” packages foods and more regulation of food advertising.”

More on “Snacks”

Latest Food Panic Targets Mothers

Posted December 4, 2013 at3:03 pm

Freaked-Out Food Cops Suck Fun Out Of Halloween

Posted October 31, 2013 at1:02 pm

Food Day: The One Holiday without a Feast

Posted October 24, 2013 at4:33 pm