Filed Under: Seafood

Let’s Hear It For The Lobster Lady!

Too often, SeaWeb and other nautical nannies generate scare headlines about vanishing seafood to bolster their calls for boycotts. But now, marine scientist Diane Cowan, aided by a veritable volunteer army of Maine lobstermen, is using hard scientific measurement — and not politically tainted conjecture — to prove her favorite seafood can be enjoyed by millions for years to come. By tracking baby lobsters sometimes no bigger than jelly beans, Cowan is building a realistic lobster population database that the fishing community applauds. And to one of her tiny study specimens, she says, “I’m definitely going to see you on my plate someday.”

More on “Seafood”

Vegans Have Blood on Their Hands

Posted April 5, 2016 at5:00 pm

A Veganism Story that’s Wrong

Posted March 27, 2013 at3:29 pm

Consumers Union Wrong Again on Food Science

Posted January 22, 2013 at5:53 pm