Filed Under: Other (press)

We Need Your Help!

Happy Holidays! It’s the time to share food, drink, and cheer with family and friends, and we’d like to toast all of you who have supported us this year. But we need your help to continue our fight. Please consider making a tax deductible donation before the end of the year to the Center for Consumer Freedom, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

We need a loaded arsenal to fight activists who want to restrict your food choices. Educating people about the violent nature of animal-rights militants takes money when you use national paid advertising. Because well-funded activists are continuing their onslaught against consumer choice, this year we ran expensive ads exposing a PETA-funded arsonist demonstrating bomb-making techniques at a major university, and we told parents that PETA targets their children with violent messages, from kindergarten to college. And don’t forget, trial sharks swim in pools of cash as they plan frivolous lawsuits.

It also takes resources to challenge obesity myths. We ran ads questioning the government’s weight standard that defines Arnold Schwarzenegger as a “fatso” and we aired a national TV ad featuring the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld to draw attention to food cops who think you’re too stupid to make your own choices.

We need your help to fight back, because we’re the only ones who will. Please enjoy your holidays and give to your friends at the Center for Consumer Freedom.

More on “Other (press)”

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