Filed Under: Other (press)

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With so many people heading back to the gym — remember, research shows that physical fitness is a key to health — we’ve made a New Year’s resolution of our own: This year we’ll give our daily email updates away for free. Now you can get the Center for Consumer Freedom’s in-depth research and insightful commentary e-mailed to you the moment it is released, without charge.

Each day we pore through countless articles, reports, and websites to bring you the most cutting-edge information on the band of activists hell-bent on taking away our food choices. If you already subscribe, use the form below to tell a friend. If you don’t, click here to receive the Center for Consumer Freedom’s daily headlines.

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For those of you who didn’t subscribe to our daily headlines in 2004, here are just a few of the valuable updates you missed:

We exposed an epidemic of obesity myths promulgated by trial lawyers, pharmaceutical companies, government regulators, and activists who stand to benefit from exaggerating the problem.

We reported how The Wall Street Journal (relying on our research) exposed Pam Anderson’s hypocrisy: shilling for PETA, but wearing leather and supporting medical research conducted on animals.

In addition to the mountain of studies demonstrating the safety of genetically enhanced foods, we told you how a Vatican conference on the topic deemed biotech agriculture a “moral imperative.”

Just in time for our latest TV ad featuring Seinfeld’s famed “Soup Nazi,” we detailed some of the most ridiculous proposals for regulating foods and beverages.

We told you how The New York Times made clear that the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) does, in fact, have clear links to the nut-jobs at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

thoroughly debunked
a study by obesity scaremongers at the Harvard School of Public Health which tried to exaggerate the risk of fat and discount the importance of physical fitness.

We reported how the British government prevented a couple of animal rights zealots — one of whom CCF had previously exposed for endorsing the murder of medical researchers — from entering their country.

Texas has never been known as the land of subtlety, but we let you know why the state’s agricultural commissioner had gone the extra mile in the campaign against food choices, calling herself the “food czarina.”

In addition to his usual list of possible obesity lawsuit defendants — restaurants and food producers — we told you how trial lawyer John Banzhaf suggested some alternative targets: doctors, school board members, and even parents.

More on “Other (press)”

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