Filed Under: Food Police Other (press)

CSPI’s Chop-Hooey Leftovers

Do these people really have nothing better to do with their time? Yesterday, the self-described food police at the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) published a new report revealing the mind-blowing fact that some Chinese food is high in calories and salt.You need little more than a basic understanding of deep frying and a single functioning eyeball to know that shrimp and broccoli are healthier than eggrolls and orange chicken. But CSPI’s nutritional nannies saw fit to hire actual scientists to examine our Asian delights. And their report — groaningly titled "Wok Carefully" — lays out their ground-scratching findings in detail.Thankfully, we’re not the only ones sick of CSPI. Former Tennessee Senator, professional actor, and potential presidential candidate Fred Thompson laid into them yesterday on Paul Harvey News (click here and here for audio):

Not every kind of food is bad for you but sometimes it sure seems like it. Especially when you get your advice from those do-gooders at the Center for Science in Public Interest. Chinese restaurants? Bad, very bad … The Center says they don’t mean to pick on Chinese food. They don’t like Italian or Mexican restaurants either. Somebody tell these people to go away. …I just don’t need the Center for Science in the Public Interest to tell me the obvious, and I find it amusing when they seem compelled to.

"Wok Carefully" isn’t just blindingly obvious — it’s also unoriginal. As we told the New York Post:

[CSPI] already thoroughly demonized Chinese food with almost the same exact report in 1993. [This latest report is] more warmed-over food scare-mongering. [We’re] tired of hearing from the health police. You just have to use sense . . . You can ask for easy on the salt and no MSG.

More on “Food Police”

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