Filed Under: Food Police Trial Lawyers

Giving Thanks For Seconds And Thirds

The Center for Consumer Freedom wishes you a happy Thanksgiving and hopes that your holiday celebration is free from any food cop finger-wagging. Their incessant (and usually bogus) health scares that strip apart our beloved family recipes also scour away the joy of cooking grandmother’s stuffing, or Uncle Jack’s yams with brown sugar and marshmallows. And today is about thanks, not unhealthy obsessions.
So if you’ve invited trial lawyers over to dinner, don’t forget to have them sign our 2007 Thanksgiving Guest Liability and Indemnification Form. Many of us have had a third slice of pie (and lived to tell about it). But all of us have warm memories of feasts gone by. And after the meal, the hours of conversation — punctuated by coffee or brandy — bind the day up into a sensation that hangs with us, sometimes forever. Much longer than a few extra holiday pounds.
Happy Turkey Day to you and yours. We’re off for the holiday, but will be back on Monday to continue fighting the good fight.

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