Filed Under: Celebrities Food Scares

Quote of the Week

Former “Iron Chef” Mario Batali is a larger-than-life cookbook author, television personality, and philanthropist who knows a thing or two about foods and ingredients. He recently wrote a very sensible op-ed for The Wall Street Journal that argued for good, old-fashioned moderation in our diets:

We might even stop making villains of all sugars and come to realize that moderation is the key. Eat all sugars, including high-fructose corn syrup, in moderation.

We've repeatedly pointed out that there is no difference between how the body handles high fructose corn syrup and table sugar. Even Michael Jacobson, Executive Director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, has admitted this. And yet a popular campaign has been waged against the sweetener as though it were demonic.  Kudos to Batali for seeing through the scare campaign against corn sugar.

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