Filed Under: Snacks

Lessons From The Tobacco Wars

The Journal of the National Cancer Institute would be hard pressed to be more explicit about their next anti-choice campaign. In a recent article entitled “Lessons From the Tobacco Wars,” the Institute laid out the blueprint for the coming attack on high-calorie foods.

“Advocates of improved diet… hope to bypass the excruciatingly arduous and long path that anti-tobacco advocates had to travel… Thirty years passed before political activists began to support legislation to curb tobacco use,” the article says. But, how do we know what they have in mind? These excerpts from the article suggest an anti-fat campaign whose goal is government intervention into the nation’s eating habits.

“[O]pinion among medical experts is not enough to create action unless it is translated into prevention and control measures by government.”

“Lifestyle decisions are up to the individual, but the environment in which the individual is functioning needs to help support that.”

The health zealots have even identified the enemy in this article, saying:

“Just like tobacco, junk food and processed foods are produced by a huge industry intent on selling its products.”

“The kinds of food served away from home are not the ones that are going to reduce risk of disease.”

They appear to have learned all too well from the relentless campaign against smokers.

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