Meat (page35)

‘Boiled Lentils And Unflavored Seltzer Water’

On the morning of the laughable "Great American Meatout," Dallas Morning News columnist Jacquielynn Floyd observed that "boiled lentils and unflavored seltzer water" are the only two foods that nobody claims will kill you…. Yet. "If you're never going to have barbecue," she reasons, "you might as well be in prison." Amen to that, and pass the spareribs.
Posted March 21, 2001 at12:00 am

Springtime Brings Choices And Nannies Galore

Today is the first day of Spring! Unfortunately, it also coincides with the Farm Animal Reform Movement’s “Great American Meatout.” Be on the lookout for restaurant and grocery store protests,…
Posted March 20, 2001 at12:00 am

Let Them Eat Steak (Part II)

The Washington Post took a look this weekend at the growth of the steakhouse industry, following recent articles in the Wall Street Journal and U.S. News &…
Posted March 19, 2001 at12:00 am

The LA Times’ Daily Double

The Los Angeles Times ran an anti-meat two-fer on their coveted Sunday opinion page yesterday. Two op-eds by noted anti-meat activists ran on the same page with nary a word disclosing the writers' political bias. Among the groups represented in this fear-mongering exercise: the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, an animal-rights group which gets its primary funding from the foundation that funds the shrill activists at PETA; and the Worldwatch Institute, which has been on an anti-beef kick for years.
Posted March 19, 2001 at12:00 am

Listening to Your Inner Caveman

A news flash for those pale, gaunt vegan nannies who try to force a meat-free diet on the rest of us: new research on our fossilized ancestors shows that meat…
Posted March 15, 2001 at12:00 am

Neal Barnard Unplugged

In a promotional appearance at a suburban Maryland bookstore, Dr. Neal Barnard (president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) presented a variety of odd claims to support the findings of…
Posted March 13, 2001 at12:00 am

Marketplace Gives Nannies a Nod

Public Radio International’s Marketplace took the curious step yesterday of providing Worldwatch Institute with a forum to discuss agricultural policy. The group’s Brian Halweil took the microphone for…
Posted March 8, 2001 at12:00 am

‘Black Marketing’ Update

Yesterday a mad-cow press release caught our attention with this statement: “six out of ten Americans polled say they are concerned that the disease may affect beef here in the…
Posted March 7, 2001 at12:00 am

Hog Update: Aaaaand they’re off…

When we told you yesterday about the racketeering lawsuits filed against hog producer Smithfield Foods by Robert Kennedy’s “Water Keeper Alliance,” initial news reports had indicated that the battle would…
Posted March 2, 2001 at12:00 am

Sooooo-ey! Sue!

We told you it would come to this. A group of enviro-nannies has begun taking their anti-meat crusade to court. According to today’s Los Angeles Times and Wall Street Journal,…
Posted March 1, 2001 at12:00 am