Soft Drinks (page4)

The Nanny State, Rebranded?

Our advertisements mocking New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg from last year continue to prove an annoyance to the diet police, as evidenced by a commentary in…
Posted August 28, 2013 at5:18 pm

The Anti-Soda Empire Strikes Back in San Jose

One would think that the food regulators would give up on their incessant lobbying for total food and beverage control, given the evidence that taxing and regulating soda (and other…
Posted August 26, 2013 at2:37 pm

NPR to Robert Lustig: You Hurt, Not Help, Your Cause

We’ve written before about the grossly exaggerated accusations against sugars made by Robert Lustig in his self-righteous crusade to turn public opinion against them. From flawed studies purportedly linking…
Posted August 23, 2013 at3:16 pm

Sugar Sourpusses Call Men Wimps

When sugar fear mongers found that fabricating a hopeless tale of addiction couldn’t scare you, they brought in the big guns – threatening a man’s virility. University of Utah professor Wayne…
Posted August 15, 2013 at11:50 am

Fishy Food Theory Attacks Zero-Calorie Product?

When the introduction to a newspaper opinion piece reads, “An addict tries to cut back because of its health hazards,” we typically envision a drug addict combatting an addiction to illicit…
Posted August 13, 2013 at5:05 pm

Food Regulation Gets One-Sided Push

Two articles caught our eye over the weekend, one from Britain’s The Observer (owned by The Guardian), advocating for the government to regulate into oblivion all sugary foods and drinks, and another from Time, questioning…
Posted August 5, 2013 at4:50 pm

Food Taxes Come Up Short Again

A recent study published in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE) found that instituting a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages only decreased overall calorie consumption by less than…
Posted August 1, 2013 at2:35 pm

New York City Rebuked Again By State Courts

The ruling of the New York State Supreme Court Appellate Division for the First District makes it quite clear that food scolds were right to be worried…
Posted July 31, 2013 at8:08 am

Sugar: The “Poisonous” Sweet?

Readers of National Geographic who are accustomed to reading about exotic animals and locations may be disappointed when they pick up their August addition. Rather than lions and tigers or Mount…
Posted July 18, 2013 at11:18 am

The Unscientific Assault on Sugar-Free Soda

Soft drink scolds — the kind of people who back the Center for Science in the Public Interest’s (CSPI) call for soda Prohibition or Kelly “Big…
Posted July 17, 2013 at9:35 am